Map Ranking

Wolf Pack

Tribe name:Wolf Pack
Number of members:10
Points of the best 10 players146.116
Total points:146.116
Average points:14.612
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 747.019 (72.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
toras12 1 53,294 220 9
jaguar66 (Baron) 2 31,991 232 5
wimax 3 14,834 264 4
BærreAmalie 4 10,571 286 2
friuli55 5 10,366 287 3
MrWhisky21 (Baron) 6 7,444 303 1
Stephieke 7 7,104 306 2
MeowMeow 8 5,361 320 1
fatman26 (Duke) 9 2,665 392 1
Lady Morgana 10 2,486 398 1
Wolves was founded by fatman26. If you have questions please contact fatman26.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.