Map Ranking


Tribe name:CATS
Number of members:13
Points of the best 15 players6.432.707
Total points:6.432.707
Average points:494.824
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 34.326.637 (4.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Vuke 1 795,518 5 80
TwizZz 2 768,246 7 88
Mr Ike (The Don) 3 688,223 11 78
SchinkenSchmuggler 4 597,369 16 76
TheInbetweener 5 515,600 22 69
mad sully 6 448,209 31 54
duderow 7 447,253 32 60
Snyltarn 8 426,431 34 68
Hettra 9 394,669 41 59
Fake Off 10 391,575 42 57
pidda94 11 366,095 46 47
Mr Nobody 12 315,090 54 45
Finally Never Sober 13 278,429 59 44
CATS are fluffy pets that people love but there's a long standing argument about which is better CATS or DOGS, guess there's only one way to settle this!

Need something? Contact: Mr Ike

cat dog cat dog