Map Ranking

Ettne Gerbarn

Ettne Gerbarn
Opponents defeated: 14.912 (462.)
Tribe: MARIO

Villages (6) Coordinates Points
Bowser Jr
496|443 2.872
Flipswitch Galaxy
496|444 3.057
Gateway Galaxy
495|443 7.981
Good Egg Galaxy
495|444 6.064
Honeyhive Galaxy
497|443 5.777
Loopdeloop Galaxy
497|447 3.127
Personal picture
Growth achievements
Continent scorer (Gold - Level 4)

Make it into the top 1 of a continent!

Top scorer (Silver - Level 3)

Make it into the top 20 in the world.

Achievements on other worlds
World 141

World 142

High Performance

World 143

World 145