Map Ranking


Tribe name:WaRRoom2
Number of members:1
Points of the best 10 players0
Total points:0
Average points:0
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 908.542 (65.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Tribal Bros 1 0 1418 0
Glad to have a big brother


Ally conditions: All Allies and NAP's with exceptions, have a 1-Week notice period if they want to cancel the relationship. This is to ensure honorable gameplay and prevent from surprise attacks or betrayal.

Breaking this rule will result in immediate execution by our tribe and allies & an entry into the blacklist.

Blacklist: - Napoleons Imperial Guard

He has dishonorably gained the trust of his own subordinates only to find out their login times and noble them while they were away; for a leader to stab his own subordinates in the back this way is the ultimate sign of cowardice, and we think we would all rather play a game without a ruffian like this in our neighborhood causing trouble.

Everyone who supports him will get blacklisted as well.

Everyone who sends us a report trashing one of his villages gains instant trust and diplomatic offers from us.

Snitching, Stabbing or Betrayal will result in an entry into the blacklist and immediate execution no matter the circumstances. Player will get haunted through future worlds and cant play a normal game anymore without getting buttraided.

All Allies and NAP's with exceptions, have a 1-Week notice period if they want to cancel the relationship. This is to ensure honorable gameplay and prevent from surprise attacks or betrayal.

Breaking this rule will result in immediate execution by our tribe and allies.

Exception: If an ally of ours attacks an ally of ours, this rule does not apply. We are engaged to keep all allies friendly together, but the game also isn't all about farming - wars happen.

Recruiting and Diplo:


Rules & Values:

1. Trust and Devotion

Members of The top G Warroom prioritize unwavering trust and devotion above all else. They recognize that success in Tribal Wars hinges on unity and are steadfast in their support for one another through all trials.

2. Fellowship

The faction fosters a strong sense of fellowship, advocating for transparent communication and mutual assistance. Collaborating actively, members devise strategies, pool resources, and conquer challenges as a unified front.

3. Principled Conduct

The top g Warroom adheres to a code of principled conduct, denouncing any hint of betrayal or deceit. Participants uphold the values of fair play and ethical behavior, ensuring an enjoyable gaming environment for all.

4. Collaborative Effort

Emphasizing teamwork, the faction acknowledges that individual triumphs are intertwined with collective accomplishments. They synchronize their actions to fortify their standing in the Tribal Wars domain.

5. Diplomatic Decorum

We engage in diplomatic discourse with neighboring factions respectfully and thoughtfully. They pursue peaceful resolutions to conflicts and strive to forge alliances in harmony with their ethos.

6. Tactical Proficiency

Without compromising their principles, the faction remains adept at the strategic intricacies of Tribal Wars. Members excel in devising and executing coordinated assaults, safeguarding their territories, and extending their influence within the game.

7. Inclusivity

The Chastity Collective endeavors to cultivate an inclusive and hospitable environment for all participants. Newcomers are seamlessly integrated, fostering a sense of belonging and cohesion.